October 31, 2023

31st Annual RLP Food Drive 2023

Click here to volunteer for the 2023 RLP Food Drive!

Another whole rotation around the sun, its hard to imagine its that time of year again. We are proud to be able to say that this is our 31st Annual Food Drive. Brad helped organize the first Food Drive and Drew joined a few years later. That's 31 years of supporting local food banks, communities, friends, and families. Whether you volunteered to help, donated product, sponsored the event or spread the word, you are a massive part of this all-encompassing community event. We would not have been able to do it without the help of all of you and we are reaching out again to ask for you help.

When and Where?

This year we will be holding the food drive on the evening of the 29th of November at 5:30pm.  It will be based out of Canmore Chrysler- 101 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore, AB T1W 1N8. This means there is 3 things for you as a Canmore local to be aware of:

  1.  Keep the date free so you can volunteer and become part of an amazing event that helps hundreds of families in our community.
  2.  If you do not have the ability to volunteer that is okay. If you have the means, pick up some food to donate. We can use all the donations we can get. On the evening on November 29th, leave your porch light on and be listening for your doorbell.
  3. Traffic in the area may be slightly busier while the food drive is getting under way.

What can you do to help?

Our goal is to knock on every single door in Canmore and ask for donations. That's where the majority of our volunteers come in. The more people we have to help, the more doors we get to knock on and the more donations we receive.

What roles are there for volunteers.

Driver- In this role you drive around with a group ( usually your  friends or family) and bring them to their map area. You stay with them so they can load donations into your vehicle. Once you have knocked on all the doors in your area, you drive your group back to Canmore Chrysler to drop off the donations. ( you will need to have a vehicle for this role). Then you will head over to Royal LePage Solutions on 101, 710, 10th Street, Canmore for an thank you reception.

Walker- You get a map of an area, you get to go out and knock on doors asking for donations. You will be with a group of people (usually your friends or family). You will collect donations and load them into your drivers car as you go. You will then drop the donations back to Canmore Chrysler once you have finished your area. Then you will head over to Royal LePage Solutions on 101, 710, 10th Street, Canmore for an thank you reception.

Packer- In this role you will stay at Canmore Chrysler to pack and box the donations we receive.  We weigh every box to track how much we receive. Then you will head over to Royal LePage Solutions on 101, 710, 10th Street, Canmore for an thank you reception.

There is a role for everyone so if you are unsure that any of the roles above would work for you due to health conditions or any other concerns just reach out to us at canmore@royallepage.ca and we will be happy to find a role that works for you.

Click here to volunteer for the 2023 RLP Food Drive!

What can you Donate?

Not able to volunteer on the night? No Problem. You can donate some non-perishable items on the night when one of the volunteers knocks on your door. We have reached out to the Bow Valley Food Bank and asked them what they are in the most need of this year.

  • Soup- Chunky and Regular
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Sidekicks Noodle/Rice Packs
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Canned Fruit
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Toothbrush and Tooth Paste

Do you live in a condo? That's also no problem. We are accepting donations at the Royal LePage office located at 101, 710, 10th Street, Canmore.

If you have an excess of any of these products, please consider donating to the RLP Food Drive. The food bank is of course happy to any take non-perishable products you are willing to donate.


Thank you so much for any support you can give. Together we can fight hunger and strengthen our community.

Want to learn more about the RLP Food Drive ? Click here


Click here to volunteer for the 2023 RLP Food Drive!
