December Newsletter: Revisiting a fabulous 2022!

As I sit to write this I am always reminded how lucky we are to live here in the Bow Valley.  Looking out my office window the snow capped peaks are calling for days of play in the mountains. It has been another great year with many events getting back to normal.  We have been focused for the last few weeks on our 30th annual food drive. As Asher and I were going door to door we were saying how it does not feel like Christmas until the food drive. We were so excited for the turnout of volunteers and the generosity of everyone as we collected a record amount of food at close to 12,000 pounds……

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Brad Hawker revisiting a fabulous 2022

I hope your 2022 was as sensational most of ours!? I was blessed in the Winter of 2022 to find abundant snow to allow me to enjoy a fabulous ski season but regretfully it was low on days with Joanna, Lauren and Cal. Joanna hurt her back early in the season and had to take the rest of the season off but she is hoping to return slowly to the slopes this winter as her back is feeling better. Lauren and I had 2 days of skiing and Cal had hurt his foot so no skiing for him last year.
My Mum passed away in March 27, 2022 at the age of 90, a long and well lived life but so very very sad that she is gone, we miss her dearly. The out pouring of thoughts and energy from people in Canmore, the Lake, Calgary and Montreal and else where was a little comforting but very hard to have both Mom and Dad gone. We think of them often.
Work was slower in 2022 after a record 2021 but still a very good year. Drew and I enjoyed a bit more time after me selling the Brokerage in June of 2020, we really like not being in charge of everything as it was for 25 years. We have more time to help our sellers and buyers which we are enjoying a lot! We are excited for 2023 in real estate with the new steps we are taking, so stay tuned for the positive developments.
Lauren and Callum are still in Toronto, Cal is going into his last semester at the College of Sport Media and loving it! He is all sports all the time, so a great fit. Lauren is living with her boyfriend of 4 / 5 years, Jake. Lauren has a 1 year contract working for Global Affairs Canada, loving her work and her work colleagues. Lauren will head to France in March for a work conference and may extend her trip to travel a bit if possible.
Our wonderful family dog Milo was unable to make it to the Lake this year with his failing health, he had to be put down which was very hard on all of us. Very sad.
Joanna and I went to London with some great friends and enjoyed Hyde Park on 2 nights in late June to see Elton John and then Robert Plant opening for the Eagles. All were as fabulous as was London. The highlight for me was Wimbledon, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who has ever thought of going. I thought it was the best entertainment and sporting event value in decades.
I flew back through Toronto to visit Lauren, Jake and Callum, we had some fun, went to Blue Jay game and some great dinners over a few days before I went to cottage in Quebec for a couple of weeks where Lauren joined me for a bit before leaving to go a friend’s wedding. It was great to spend some time with her.
One of the couples we went to London with was getting married on Vancouver Island in late July so I flew to Vancouver to visit a friend and went mtn biking. I should have stayed longer to see more friends but we were scheduled to meet up with the bride and groom to be and another couple in Victoria to go salmon fishing in Bamfield. That was fabulous, tiring but we had a lot of fun and were successful, a nice little haul of salmon.
The wedding was super, at Tigh-na-mara Seaside Resort, great weather but Jo and I got covid as did a few others which put a damper on the next couple of weeks. We have bounced back and I have been good this year again with my yoga and getting to the gym.
The Fall weather here was the best I can remember allowing for more late season biking and hiking. I have been out skiing a bit already and have found some snow, albeit we need some more as in most years.
I hope you had a sensational 2022 and that 2023 provides you with all your hopes and dreams! Happy Holidays! Xoxo Brad


2022 Reflections from Drew


As I sit to write this I am always reminded how lucky we are to live here in the Bow Valley. Looking out my office window the snow capped peaks are calling for days of play in the mountains. It has been another great year with many events getting back to normal. We have been focussed for the last few weeks on our 30th annual food drive. As Asher and I were going door to door we were saying how it does not feel like Christmas until the food drive. We were so excited for the turnout of volunteers and the generosity of everyone as we collected a record amount of food at close to 12,000 pounds.

Asher continues to enjoy school and now is in grade 10 at Canmore Collegiate. I love seeing him head out for school on even the very cold days with his studded tires and all bundled up. Last spring he was able to play soccer with the school team along with the Canmore club team. He was also excited to get back to playing football on the Wolverines in the fall. The school sports have him very busy and he is loving being part of those teams. Asher started part time work this year and he is enjoying the freedom and responsibility he gets with it. He is driving when he can (or when Cheryl and I let him lol) and hopes to get his license in 2023.

Hannah has moved into grade 12 and continues to work very hard and doing so well. She continues to have the passion and drive for competitive cheerleading. Hannah achieved one of her cheer goals by traveling to Florida to compete in the World Championship on one team and Summit on another. This is the pinnacle of Cheerleading and it was so amazing to be able to have all of us there for one of the competitions to cheer her on.

Brendan is now a second year engineering student at the University of Calgary. He is getting his feet under him and working incredibly hard with many long nights of homework and studying but he is doing really well. He was able to get a summer engineering position and has just been hired again in his passion biological engineering. With the world opening up Brendan has been able to enjoy more of the university life.

My folks are doing well and it has been great to get more opportunities to see them and we are all very excited to spend Christmas all together.

Cheryl and I were able to get away for our first trip alone in very long time. It was a celebration of our 10th anniversary and we went on a Southern Caribbean cruise which was fabulous. Just so much time to get into the water and snorkel along with great meals and a little time for RnR. In August we headed west to spend some time with Cheryls folks and enjoyed a week of lake life. It is so nice to see the kids water skiing, wakeboarding and tubing. A few jouneys out on the paddleboard, kayak and swimming wrapped up a fantastic time. Although I have spent many of the last years in lake country, it is always fun to see how little I know compared to Cheryls folks, Cheryl and now Brendan…. I am a good helper lol.

As I look back on the entire year, it was also filled with fantastic trail runs, bike rides, golf rounds, backyard fires and just relaxing walks with Cheryl. hope this finds you and your loved ones healthy and happy, and my family and I wish you great health and happiness in 2023.