As an owner of a condominium property in Alberta, whether it be a conventional apartment-style unit or a bareland townhouse-style property, there are a number of items concerning your condominium association that it is invaluable for you to know, both for your ownership or if you are thinking about selling. Often times, if an owner is not a member of the Board, they may not be fully aware of some of the day-to-day items and issues that may come up, or fully understand of what some of the terms they see in their condo documents may relate to. For those thinking of selling, it is important to have a good grasp of what your obligations are to a potential buyer as well

With this in mind, Service Alberta published a handy Consumer Tips guide in Summer 2015 for those wanting to learn more about condominium associations, as well as other sources where one could go to look for more information. If you do have certain questions about a condominium property that you have may own here in Canmore, please be sure to contact us as well, as we may be able to help!

Buying and Owning a Condominium - Consumer Tips from the Alberta Government

In addition, if you are an owner of a bareland condominium property, you will be asked to provide a current Real Property Report with a Stamp of Compliance in addition to the other condominium documentation that you would normally provide when selling your Canmore home. You can read more about the Real Property report here.

If you've been thinking about selling your condominium property, please make sure to complete the Seller Profile Form below, and we would be happy to get started working for you!

Are you interested in selling your condo?

Condo Selling